Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Mix of Amway / Quixar rant and Meditation Tips

This is an updated response to a rant about Amway (won't people EVER learn?!!) and
my tips on meditation. Be aware that I am merely one who uses meditation. I am not
a guru or spiritual leader. I am just someone who has tried something and found it works
well for me and want to share it with others. As we are all beautifully different and unique,
what works for me may require modifications and adjustments to work as well for others.
If there is anything helpful in this blog, please use it. If you find you need to make major
modifications to my methods in order to make them useful in your life, please do it.
Meditation, in whatever form, makes us more intelligent, tuned in and productive
human beings regardless of our race, religion or Creed music. Keep your arms wide
open and remember to share!

First the rant, then further down some meditation tips and another version of
my first meditation experience as applied to my business.

Sorry for the rant, it was spurred by a friend who I was asked to spend a couple of hours with telling him about my experience and how he
could apply it it his life - two weeks later he calls telling me about this 'wonderful' new company he had discovered from his
'physician' neighbor. Amway has slyly changed their name to "Quixtar" and started placing print ads in in a lot of the top business
magazines. It is nothing but a ploy to get people to spend their hard earned money on useless, blathering...and most of all
fake testimonies of wealth and prestige. Health and beauty supplies? High tech goods? Nothing compared to the amount of money
handed over by their own "IBO's" for the koolaid laced, poorly conceived and outrageously priced "motivation" materials.

If there is a hell, it is filled to the brim with pushers of these false dreams that so few people benefit from - what are there, 16
families at the top? I've been around long enough to watch people's lives fade as they strived to have and become part of "The Dream"
only to be tossed aside as "not one of us" when they had leveraged themselves up to the ears in creditcard debt and mortgages
since it would be paid off "in full" once they established their downline. What a load... I would like to find ONE person who can show
me they have benefited from a long relationship with AmCrap, or any of the other MLM schemes and scams. No one. But they did make
loads of enemies and alienate lifetime friends and family.

Now, back to the real stuff. Thanks for asking. I can't tell you anymore than Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book "Manifest your Destiny". That says it
all. I watched his program on PBS about 4 years ago, thought about it for a while, bought the book and simplified his techniques down
to something that fit my own need for a instant gratification version. I also watched "The Secret" and read the book. Keep in mind nothing
is new here. It is basically Norman Vincent Peale's "How to Win Friends and Influence People". "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" and
many other books and ideas.

Here is my method. The clearing of your mind to meditate takes a few weeks of constant practice and is the most important.
1. Find a place that you will not be disturbed - bedroom, closet, garage, the quieter the better
2. Get into a relaxing position in either a comfortable chair or bed
3. Relax....really relax, to the point of drifting off to sleep. Clear your mind of all thought by breathing out everything
bad and negative and breathing in everything positive and good.
4. Notice your breathing and the calming effect it has on you.
5. When you have shut down your inner chatter (this takes less and less time after about 3 weeks in my experience) start
introducing a simple goal or objective. In my case, I like to see the balance of my bank account on a certain date in the
future. Say $1M by September 30, 2008. I only look at the balance and the date on the bank statement, that is it.
I see it, I believe it, it has happened already because I looked into the future (by meditating and 'seeing it'). Now I
see it and believe it. See, believe, receive. Once you reach the 'smile', this is the stage where you are SOOOOO
confident that it has already happened - you are now assured that it will happen. You don't know the details, you don't
know the sequence of events, you don't have to, you don't care HOW, WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHO, you saw it, it will
happen. You are happy knowing that it is going to happen.
6. You do this over and over. I recommend first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to sleep. Right before you
go to sleep is magical, as, usually you will fall asleep in the meditative state with your subconscious fully engaged and ready
to help. KEY: It is your subconsscious that governs you and rules you and your subconscious that is tapped in to the
universal knowledge. IF you are tapped into your subconsious you will act and conduct yourself with superior intelligence
and uncanny decision making ability will be yours. Your subconscious works 24/7 to manage your life. While you are sleeping
it is there to work out problems, issues and provide you with solutions. While you are awake it is giving you intuition,
or gut feelings to evaluate situations and make the right decisions. MOST PEOPLE DO NOT SPEND EVEN SECONDS A DAY
CONNECTING WITH THEIR SUBCONSCIOUS. It is like having a super intelligent board of directors assisting you with every
move. It is actually more than that - but it is a good illustration. People who establish and maintain a connection with
their subconscious appear to be more intelligent than they are "in real life". Your subconscious does not understand limits,
impossibilities or difficulties. If you assign it a case (i.e. $1M by Sept 30, 2008) it goes forward to make it happen,
people, situations, opportunities materialize out of nowhere that all come together to create this "End Game". Then you
set goals and objectives further out, etc. etc.

I don't think that there are any limits to what you can achieve through meditation. Turn off your iPod, TV, radio and spend
some time with that super you that you ignore most of the time. See what your true possibilities and calling are. Set
impossible goals and challenge your subconscious.

One of the exercises I did was after going into meditation I visualized a very large and powerful magnet in my stomach.
it drew everything and everyone good to me in my business. Faces of people I knew but had never done business
with started materializing in my mind. For some reason these same group of faces would be 'caught' in my magnetic
"pull". Those people are now my business partners - I have a very easy and nice rapport with them and expect to be
doing a lot of business with them going forward.

A rule in meditation - for me, at least, is 'keep it simple'. Relax, calm and quiet yourself and introduce a simple
goal or objective to meditate on. By simple, I mean not complicated, it can be difficult or impossible, just keep the
terms of it simple so that it is easy to present it to your subconscious mind (which is open, inviting and accepting
during meditation). If you get complicated or greedy, kharma will get you everytime. Instead of being like a 5 yr old
on Santa's knee at the mall "....and I want a bike and a machine gun...and a..whatever", one thing at a time for
a period of weeks is the best way. Once things start happening, you can gradually introduce other things by themselves
and so on.

All this follows the law of attraction, of course. The universe is infinite, there is no shortage, no reason for greed
or hoarding more than you can use or manage. Since there is abundance, prosperity is available and can be yours
without someone else losing. Since abundance is limitless, there is no reason not to share and spread your
riches - charities, friends, families. Abundance is not only material things but also love, kindness, helpfulness,
goodwill. Giving these to exhaution still leaves an infinite amount to give. Each one of us is walking around
with enough goodness and light to brighten everyone's life. Brighten as many people's lives as you can
in as many ways as you can and it will pale in comparison to $1M by September 30, 2008. Money is just
energy that eventually fades. Absolutely necessary in this world. Love and compassion are forces that live on.
Absolutely necessary in this universe and life.

Don't let riches be your only motivation for meditation.

I hope this helps, but don't take my word as gospel, find something that fits who you are and works
for you. We are all different - that is what makes us beautiful!



"We met some good folks", "We learned some good things", "Be objective", give me a break. You can meet good folks walking your frikken dog. You can buy a self help book, or even Google how to budget, motivate yourself, dream big, meditate, focus and visualize!! Why the hell do you have to join a rebadged Amway and annoy your family, friends and coworkers who have no intention of looking at your catalogue or website of over priced, over hyped stuff and will do almost anything to avoid being cornered by you. At least the Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Football, Soccer Mom/Dad's only hawk their crap on you once or twice a year. The Amway...excuse me, Quixtar bots come back from every seminar/pep rally/convention gassed up and raring to belt out their spiel of how you are missing an 'opportunity' of a lifetime, etc. etc. Hmmm, at last count I have missed about 40 opportunities of a lifetime while watching my networth exceed 6 figures, my income go to the high 6 figures and the quality of my life go through the roof. Without Amway?!!! Without MLM? Without pyramid schemes and Ponzi scams?!!! Wow!! How did I do it? By failing at a lot of things before I finally found my groove and then things took off. In the process I never pissed off family, friends, coworkers, and more importantly, customers (!!!) by pushing them into a corner to buy my stuff. I found what was needed in the industry I specialize in and went to town - working, focusing, visualizing and meditating. Now it has come together and I am one fo the top 1% earners in the good old US of A. Work smart but take time to meditate on the best approach and problem solving and, most of all, the end game. The end game being what do you want to accomplish and by when. That is the secret folks - nothing to do with the vehicle. If you align your subconscious with your goals and meditate daily, 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before you go to sleep. Give it time - you will see results. My first big test of this was when I was flat broke and needed a $1M deal. My partner and I meditated for 2.5 weeks and had 2 deals worth more than $1.3M, with $275K profit to split from the deal. From flat broke paying mortgage with credit card to debt free (besides the mortgage) in 30 days. Then we upped the ante, $5.5M in sales by July 31st of that year. It came slightly below $5.5M in sales and we were hooked. We had achieved the impossible. We set out for $8.5M in sales by October...done! Already in 6 months we had quadrupled what our most optimistic forecast would have been for a banner year. We finished the year at $10M. What made that and every year different? We worked just as hard before. We planned and chased every deal before, but so many seemed to vanish right before they were supposed to go through. Some days we worked all through the night to provide quotes, information, data, all to no avail. What changed? Now we TAKE time out to meditate and see our success happen BEFORE it happens. We KNOW we are going to have continued success because we have already SEEN it. Our subconscious is sooo much more intelligent than our conscious mind is! It works 24/7 to fulfill our goals, our dreams. But, you have to TAKE time to talk to your subconscious. Once it knows your plans it will figure out ingenious, impossible ways to make things happen. Mysterious events and helpful people and situations will materialize almost magically. Once you are enlightened life is easier as you know where you are going and you know it is being taken care of. Yes, you need to work and work hard to make it happen, but there is a spirit of joy and accomplishment as you are moving along. Your WHOLE life improves, that is business, family, love, health, hobbies and interests - everything is better, brighter, endorphins flow. That's it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It All Started out of Desperation

Since I am often asked about meditation, how to do it and what it has done for me, I decided to post this blog and eventually have my limited knowledge all in one place to refer people to. It should save a lot of time as I spend hours answering each individual question. Overall, my advice and impression of meditation is 'keep it simple'. Meditate on precise, exact and simple concepts. Don't try to incorporate elaborate plans and details into your meditation. Meditate on one thing at a time. Once a solution is found, replace it with another thing to meditate on and go forward refreshing your goals and objectives as past ones are achieved. Spend time! There is nothing you can do to make your mind stronger, more intelligent, more intuitive, than to link into your subconscious mind and interact with it. Just as your computer is your link to the vast knowledge of the internet, your subconscious mind is your link to the vast knowledge and intelligence of the universe. I am convinced that inferior intelligence linked into the subconcious can give the appearance of great intelligence. In other words, if you aren't too bright, that link into your subconcious mind and it's interface with the universe gives you vast intelligence and knowledge. What if you could Google everything at anytime? Wouldn't you appear super intelligent to everyone - especially if they didn't have any evidence that you Googled everything before responding? Theory of relativity? "The development of general relativity began with the equivalence principle, under which the states of accelerated motion and being at rest in a gravitational field (for example when standing on the surface of the Earth) are physically identical." from Well, there are bound to be some 'wows'. You have similar potential wow factor by meditating and having a well connected subconscious assisting you in daily life. Now, you are not too rush and hurried into making a bad decision. You calmly consider alternatives and provide a well reasoned, well articulated and thought out choice.
You are more Linked In, then Linked In. You go from MySpace to MyUniverse and your Universe responds and gives back, giving as there is no shortage, only abundance. Eveything given from the Universe does nothing to take away from the Universe as it is the Universe.

One last thought before I begin the story. Meditation to arrive at financial and material gain is NOT what it is about. Greed and envy will backfire. You need to approach meditation in the spirit of abundance, prosperity, sharing and giving. The Universe gives to you and you must, in turn give to others. Not just money but also kindness, love, time. Those are the true gifts and the beauty and brightness you feel are so much the richer. Brighten people's lives in order to keep your own light burning. Your life is really insignificant if you do not use it to enrich others.
The Universe enriches you because it trusts you to be a good steward of the riches it shares. Do not betray that trust!

The Beginning, My First Meditation.

One day, my business partner and I realized that we were spending more money than we were making and, if it continued, which it would, we would be completely out of operating funds in a little over 30 days. Our sales, which had been pretty good the previous year had all but dried up, we had no other sources of revenue to depend on, in short, we were about to become a statistic after working our asses off to launch a new company that had shown great promise.

What do we do? Banks - "Ok, you need the money, so we can't lend you any". Friends, family - "Hey, we can hardly pay our cable bill and little Joey just got braces and his therapy bills are killing us". Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors - "Who the fuck are you guys again?". Ok, so we know we have a problem and there seems to be no out of the book solution.

Well, I had read all the self help books over the years, attended motivational seminars and had and continue to have a lot of confidence in the power of positive thought and the subconscious mind. Norman Vincent Peale? His book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was given to me by my church at high school graduation in 1974. I carried it around with for years and finally ran out of newspapers and magazine to read and dove in. Great book for forming a strong foundation of self and the network of friends. Twenty some years ago I picked up "The Power of the Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy. Great book, I read it, agreed with it and did a few exercises, mostly in times of need - like trying to find a job in Europe, trying to get a promotion, trying to 'manifest' some lovely ladies into my life, that sort of thing. As far as I was concerned life was pretty good, I was surviving very well on a combination of luck and hard work.

Most books had one thing in common. They were a LOT of work. How could I do all the exercises Tony Robbins tells you to in order to master NLP. Dude, we have jobs, families and football is on TV. Actually, for me it is my guitar. I waste my time playing it as football and other televised sports bores me to tears. Somewhere in hell there is a torture chamber outfitted with ESPN 24/7 - until then I will jam, wham and slam my collection of guitars making all sorts of heavenly squels, shrills and divebombs! But enough of that.

Ok, so my sister kept on mentioning "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. "You have to watch it at least once". She and her friends had screened it several times at get togethers and she sang it praises. She told me about it so much that I felt as if I had already seen it. It had buzz!

Well, I knew what it was about and having already watched Dr. Wayne Dyer's program "Manifest Your Destiny" on PBS a few years back and read the book, I was ready to try
anything to get our company back up and running.

My business partner and I discussed it. It went a little like this..."So, we're going to take time out of our busy workday scrambling for business and do what?!!!!!!". I am keeping the dialog polite and free of F-bombs. There were definitely some F-bobms. I have an MBA in international business and I am going to lean on 'meditation' for recovering our business? Ok, get ready to lose the house, the cars, my guitar collection and recording studio 'cause it is so going to be a downhill ride from here!

Well, we made a deal. He would meditate twice a day and I would meditate twice a day. We would meditate on a common goal - $1M deal by March 31st, 2007. Ok, so what if we hadn't done $1M in total sales since we launched the partnership a year prior. So what if $1M deals usually take a few months to put together and a few months longer to be paid for. $1M by the end of the month it is.

We began our meditation. "Why won't these voices in my head shutup?!!!", "There is absolutely nothing you guys can do to save your business, it is a failure, you need to admit your shortcomings and go out there and beg for a real job!", "Your family is going to suffer because you are a loser!", "Hope you enjoyed the nice neighborhood, neighbors and school district. Do you think your neighbors will come visit you in the trailer...down by the river?!!!". Negative chatter was killing us. We were tuned into one radio station WFUP! We were two F'ups who were going down! It was brutal!

Well, over ther course of a couple of weeks of braving through logic, negativity and every incarnation of father, teacher, warden (ok, I'm joking about the warden!) telling us that we
will never make anything of ourselves - those voices, the negativity started fading...the voices, they weren't so loud anymore, they didn't carry as much weight, they weren't even believable.
"What do you mean we won't make it? We have seen ourselves make it twice a day for over two weeks! We are going to make it! We have already made it!!!". We saw it, we believed it. We were still broke, we saw bills arrive but knew they would be paid and weren't to be fretted over. We didn't see our mortgages, car payments, etc. as albatrosses but as non issues, they would all be paid.

Something strange. The phone started ringing. Aha! There is an opportunity to sell something for $750K and it needs to be done in a week. "Wait, did they say...gulp...a week?" We blitz the market to find a buyer. One of our great customers was in need for just that very thing. They sent $150K at the end of the week so we would secure the deal for them. They paid the balance a few days later. We weren't yet at the end of the month and we were still short $250K.

Another call came in for a $360K purchase. They sent the down payment and knocked us up to over $1M BEFORE the end of the month.

Ok, how did this happen? We stated a goal, impossible really, in light of prior performance. We meditated on this goal and it happened. Not only did it happen, but we were so close to the EXACT amount we had meditated on every day for weeks.

Well, was it a fluke? We immediately put it to the test. $5.5M by July 31st. Three months away. Never happen but let's see what we can stir up here. Meditate twice a day. As we did more meditation, it became easier to concentrate, easier to reach that state of calmness. I was finding I could take 2 - 3 minutes, meditate on the goal and go right back to my daily activities. I could reach meditation waiting in line at a redlight and snap out of it by the time we got green,
I could use a lot of wait - normally wasted time - and grab a few seconds to a few minutes. Ahh, it was beautiful!

Around mid-July we got a call from a business partner. They had a client needing to make a large purchase..just over $5M. We found a source and got the deal done. It wasn't quite $5.5M, but several days later, we got another deal in and we paid in early August making the total just over $5.5M. Ok, is this stuff working or is it a fluke?

Next goal, $8.5M by October 31, check. End of year goal between $10M and $12M. We entered December with $9.5M in sales. December 21st a customer purchased $475K worth of equipment. Boom! We hit $10M (never set a goal of between $X and $Y, always be specific, my suspicion is that our conscious and pessimistic minds keyed on the lower amount instead of a higher or even midlevel number).

So, we were in an impossible situation and had no way out. We decided to test meditation as a solution. We set specific goals with a timestamp (i.e. $1M by March 31st, 2007) and made a series of goals that were uncannily close to what we had set for ourselves.

My conclusion is that meditation works. Meditation incorporates everything needed to make something happen - whether our tiny minds decide it is impossible or not. Seeing is believing. Seeing does not necessarily mean physical seeing. If you can conceive it in your mind's eye, you can manifest it. See, believe, receive seems to work.

I will put my own personal experience and challenges with meditation in my next post.